Why You Can’t Stick to a Diet (and How to Finally Break Free for Good)

Why is a sustainable weight loss plan for women key to a healthy lifestyle?
I completely understand the struggles many face when sticking to a diet. In fact, my wife and I have discussed this many times, and it’s why I felt inspired to write this for you, especially for the women who, like her, have been on this health transformation journey for far too long.
If you have trouble sticking to a diet for more than a few weeks, this is for you.
Another year has passed, and here we are again…
- I didn’t lose any weight.
- My body hasn’t changed.
- I still don’t feel good about how I look.
- My energy levels are so low.
- And, regarding food, I feel like I have no control.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be like this year after year.
Why do we start the year with enthusiasm, only for that fire to burn out so quickly? I don’t want this year to be just another repeat for you. Your health and fitness—these are too important to keep putting it on the back burner.
What drives me crazy is hearing people say, “I know how to lose weight!” because we’ve all heard it. You hear it in advice like, “Just eat right and exercise consistently!” UGH! If only it were that easy, right?
It’s one thing to know what to do and another to do it. Telling someone to “just stick with it” is like saying an aspiring musician should write a catchy song with a great beat—if it were that simple, everyone would be doing it! So why, if we all supposedly know what to do, do so many women find themselves stuck in a cycle of being unhappy with their bodies, frustrated with their energy levels, and unable to keep up with a diet?
It comes down to three key things:
- Eating well
- Exercising
- Doing #1 and #2 consistently
That third part—consistency—is where so many of us stumble. And that’s exactly why I’ve dedicated my work to helping women like you stay consistent and finally break free from the cycle of starting over every year.
But first, we have to understand why staying consistent is so hard. I’ve broken it down into three main reasons. Let’s dive in because if you don’t understand these, you’ll keep finding yourself in the same place year after year.
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1) The plan you’re following isn’t sustainable.
Let’s get real: fad diets don’t work in the long term. You can only stick to that cookie-cutter, shake-only, or grapefruit-only diet for so long before it becomes unbearable. The “no fat, no carbs, no sugar, no fun” approach? That’s just not sustainable.
Before starting a diet, ask yourself: Can I see myself eating like this five years from now? If your answer is no, the diet you’re considering isn’t built to last.
You need a practical, healthy, and, most importantly, sustainable plan. You can’t expect to stick with something that feels like a punishment. Yet, so many women set themselves up for failure by attempting extreme diets that aren’t realistic.
If the plan you’re following isn’t built for the long haul, you’re doomed to fail.
This is why we create custom nutrition plans that offer flexibility and freedom. Unlike other programs that push restrictive regimens, we build something you can stick to—something that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods while still achieving long-term health results. The goal is to be fit and happy, not fit and miserable.
We’ll also provide you with a doable exercise plan. You don’t need to go overboard at the gym. In fact, 80% of weight loss is due to what we eat. It’s not just about what we eat but also why and how.
2) You haven’t changed your relationship with food.
This one is critical.
Many of us hop from one “food diet” to the next—this month, we’re cutting carbs; next month, it’s all about plant-based; and the month after, we’re trying keto. Sound familiar? It’s something most of us have done.
But here’s the truth: if you change only what you eat without addressing your deeper relationship with food, you’ll never achieve sustainable weight loss.
Changing your relationship with food is about shifting your mindset. It’s about building healthy habits and behaviors that help you lose weight and keep it off for good. Otherwise, it’s just a short-term fix, and once the willpower runs out, we slide right back into old habits.
Willpower alone isn’t sustainable. That’s why people regain weight—they never learn the reasons behind their eating habits or how to change them.
Helping our clients change their relationship with food is a core part of our personalized coaching for women. We focus not just on what you eat but also on why you eat it. Once you understand that, making healthier choices becomes easier and more natural.
Our clients often tell us that sticking with their plan becomes effortless over time, so they lose weight and keep it off.
3) Daily accountability and support are missing.
Let’s be honest: it’s all too easy to make promises to ourselves that we don’t keep. No one else knows, so we rationalize it away. But deep down, we know we’ve let ourselves down. And that feeling? It’s awful.
Without accountability, it’s so much harder to stay on track. We justify skipping workouts or eating that extra slice of cake because no one’s there to hold us accountable.
This is where daily accountability and support make all the difference. Unlike most programs that hand you a plan and send you on your way, we give you something more—a coach who guides you daily. Someone who knows when you’re off track and helps you get back on course, whether it’s a mental hurdle or a tactical challenge, like navigating an upcoming event or a busy work week.
You wouldn’t expect to pass a tough class without a teacher to guide you, right? Weight loss is no different. Daily guidance is key to making progress. Our success rate is so high because we give our clients daily support, clear goals, and personalized advice from an expert who’s been through it all.
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Are you ready to see what’s possible?
So, there you have it—the three reasons why staying consistent is so hard.
Remember these as you continue your wellness journey. Improving your health doesn’t just change your body. It transforms every aspect of your life—how you feel, move, and appear.
Would you like to try our program? Of course! I believe in it because of the incredible results we’ve achieved for women like you. I know what it’s like to struggle, so I offer a no-risk guarantee—try us for 14 days, and if you don’t feel or see results, cancel before the 14 days are up. It’s that simple.
I know you’ve tried things before and how hard it is to trust again, especially after years of feeling let down. But this time can be different. Together, we’ll make it happen.